

So, who is Nate Sousa?

Am I a copywriter? Yes, but really I'm whatever I need to be to get the job done. I love coming up with ideas and the hustle it takes to make them a reality. Sure, I write, but I do more than that. I craft stories, create characters and design settings. The work is all about the idea.  

I seek out collaboration. I'm at my best on a team, especially with other creative people. I'll use an analogy to explain. I fancy myself a "home entertainer" of sorts. Sure, I could work all weekend to lay out a spread for friends, but why not have everyone bring something to the party?

And speaking of parties, I'm a good hang. I care about getting to know my coworkers and will put in the time to do so. Fostering community and helping connect people is personal passion of mine that I also bring to the workplace. i believe you build a solid team culture day by day. 

My job description says writer, but if you ask me, I'm a problem solver. My best work comes from creative constraints, which is why I have fallen in love with Marketing. Digging through a brief and finding that perfect strategy for a project is what keeps me coming back for more.